This co-curricular website contains information about all the co-curricular activities on offer at MLC School in 2025, including an overview of what each activity entails, when and where it takes place, the coordinators, expectations around commitment, cost (if applicable) and information about how to take part.
Registration for co-curricular activities which will run in Term 1, 2025 and require payment, will open on 25 November, 2024.
For activities that have a fee attached and run across multiple terms, generally enrolment is via the payment pages for the first term, and then are applied to School fees for subsequent terms. If the student wishes to discontinue with that activity, the parent must confirm this with the activity coordinator by Week 7 of the term beforehand, otherwise the enrolment is assumed to be continuing and the charge will be applied to the Fee Statement.
Please note, unless otherwise notified, all co-curricular programs commence in Week 2 of each term and continue up to the final week of the term. There may be instances where a variation to this rule may occur when additional preparation is required in the lead up to an event, competition or performance.
If there is a variation to the program, coordinators will communicate with parents and students via email, the MLC School app or Audacia, the School newsletter.
Enrolment Procedures
Enrolment procedures vary across the range of activities on offer depending on specific requirements such as selection processes or the number of available places in the activity.
Parents/carers can enrol for the majority of activities through the online payment forms found on the MLC School Payments site. Online enrolments will open the term prior to the activity commencing (for example, Term 1 2025 programs will commence enrolment in Term 4 2024). Unless there are specific selection criteria, places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Though we attempt to cater to all students who wish to actively participate in the co-curricular programs, this is sometimes not possible. Parents/carers will be advised via Audacia, the School newsletter when the online enrolment forms open. Whilst there is no limit to the number of activities a student can enrol in, parents/carers and students are asked to be mindful of others when making their choices and consider if you can meet the expectations of participation in the chosen activities.
For activities that do not have formal enrolment procedures, parents/carers and students are encouraged to contact the activity coordinator to confirm time, location and how to get involved.
Please note: Co-curricular programs facilitated directly by MLC School are not eligible for the NSW Government’s Active Kids or Creative Kids vouchers and cannot be used to cover the cost of participation levies. However, some of our external providers such as The Speech and Drama Studio are registered with the NSW Government and are able to accept these vouchers. If you are in doubt, please check with the program coordinator.
Student Participation
To be fully immersed in the dynamic learning environment that is MLC School we encourage all girls to participate in at least one co-curricular program each school year.
Though participation is voluntary, when girls chose to enrol, or are selected for a specialty program, they are expected to honour and fulfil the commitment they have made in order to nurture a sense of responsibility in themselves. We do not restrict the number of activities that girls can be involved in, as each girl is an individual and will manage their studies, deal with stress and time management in their own way.
Students are not able to sign up for two or more MLC School co-curricular activities that run concurrently. Though in the past program coordinators have made every effort to accommodate those students wanting to be involved in concurrent activities by letting them finish one activity early to start the next one late, this practice has become unsustainable, with neither activity being enjoyed to its fullest.
As a School we have made every effort to effectively timetable our program to minimise clashes between programs and evenly distribute them across the week. However, running a large-scale operation such as ours, clashes are inevitable. We ask that parents/carers and students carefully plan which activities they would like to participate in and ensure they can fulfil the required commitment. If an activity or event clashes with another, be prepared to select the one you wish to be involved with for that year.
A reminder to students who undertake private music tuition at MLC School, it is a compulsory requirement of the program that you participate in at least ONE of the School’s ensembles each academic year.
Junior School After-School Activities Procedures
MLC School asks that you collect your daughter promptly at the conclusion of her chosen activity.
Our co-curricular teachers and tutors often have other classes and school commitments to attend once your daughter’s class has finished. Not collecting your daughter on time can have a significant impact on other programs running across the school. MLC School does understand that our location is susceptible to the negative impacts of Sydney traffic from time to time. Our teachers and tutors have been instructed to wait with your daughter for 10 minutes after the conclusion of a lesson. If your daughter is not collected within the designated 10-minute window the teacher will take her to after-school care at a cost to the parent.
Due to changes in legislation, all students must be registered with our after-school care provider, UnitingCare Children’s Services, before they can accept a student. We require all Junior School students participating in after-school activities to register with UnitingCare Children’s Services as an ASC Casual. As an ASC Casual parents/carers will only be charged if the service is used.
For more information about MLC School’s OSHC, please visit our website.